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  • Update:2013-10-21


当科学与技术的发展冲破了一个个瓶颈,艺术与设计一次次突破原有的界限,物质与精神的需求得到了激发……所有要素的协同效应在到达一定的临界点后,交互设计都会实现质的飞跃。从简单的人机互动到覆盖全球的社会化网络,从图形化界面到智能化空间,交互设计历经数次蜕变,而每一次交互设计与信息技术 结合产生的巨大能量都对人类社会产生了深远的影响。如今,交互设计进入了一个全新的阶段,无时不在与无处不在的交互应用使得交互设计对象的多样性以及复杂 性已经远远超出了学科本身所能够涵盖的范围。交互设计亟须再一次在更广泛的层面上蓄积能量,在交叉学科的领域中寻找和突破下一个临界点,实现下一个质的飞跃。
值此变革的时刻,清华大学美术学院将协同美国卡耐基梅隆设计学院、香港理工大学设计学院,于2013年11月15日至 2013年11月17日,联合主办第三届交互设计国际会议。届时,交互设计师同来自企业、教育和研究领域的专家汇聚一堂,展示新的成果,展开新的对话,展望新的可能。
The advances in the sciences and technology, new forms of arts and design, and record levels of consumer demand and consumption, have pushed interaction design to a tipping point. From human-computer interaction to social networks, graphical user interfaces to intelligent environments, the intersection of design and technology drives the innovation to change peoples lives. But the diverse and complex nature of design problems have extended beyond the traditional scope of interaction design. By leveraging other fields through interdisciplinary work, interaction design is bound to reach new heights.
The third International Conference on Interaction Design (November 15 – 17, 2013), hosted by Tsinghua University and in association with Carnegie Mellon University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, examines this new phase in interaction design. Experts from industry, education, and research will review the discipline's accomplishments, open new dialogues, and look forward to future possibilities.
  1. 分享产业及研发领域中的突破性成果及跨界合作的成功经验:
    分析具有影响力的产品及研究案例背后,技术的攻关、设计的探索、市场的运作等各方面的因素的积累与突破, 特别介绍由量变到质变的过程中,跨界合作所带来的前所未有的推动力。
  2. 讨论复合型人才的需求下的以交互设计为纽带的交叉学科教育模式的建设:
  3. 以多元的视角审视当下新的问题与挑战,展望新的机遇与可能:
    在更高的学术层面, 更广的社会层面,及更深的人性层面,评判信息科技与交互设计所带来的的积极与消极影响,搭建跨学科的创新机制,攻克新的技术与设计难关,并展望下一次交互设计质的飞跃所带来的新的生活模式。
  1. Sharing cutting-edge breakthroughs in various industries and successes in interdisciplinary collaborations.
    Industry case studies on products and services resulting from interdisciplinary collaboration combined with technological, design and marketing breakthroughs.
  2. Discussing interdisciplinary educational models and curriculums of interaction design.
    The scope of interaction design overlaps with various disciplines. The information technologies foundation of interaction design serves as a bridge between other disciplines of the digital era. It is this aspect of interaction design that lends to its role in establishing an interdisciplinary educational system.
  3. Reviewing both the positive and negative impacts of interaction design, establishing new models of interaction design, and looking forward to new possibilities.
    Reflect on the impacts of technology and design on academia, society and humanity. Develop models of innovation to provide interdisciplinary solutions to upcoming challenges. Look for new opportunities created from the future breakthroughs in interaction design.