装饰杂志,《装饰》杂志社, 立足当代 关注本土 www.izhsh.com.cn

玩火: 当代玻璃50 年

  • Update:2013-08-29
  • 张 明
  • 来源: 《装饰》杂志第8期
展览时间:2012 年11 月6 日至2013 年4 月7 日



1. Marine Group, 2008.

Steffen Dam. Hot worked glass.

Photo: courtesy of the artist.

2. I Want To Run Away and Join the Circus,2009.

Tim Tate. Blown and cast glass, electronic components, original video.

Photo: Anything Photographic.

3. Senza Titolo (Untitled), 2005.

Laura de Santillana. Hand-blown glass, silver foil, wax, cast bronze, plaster.

Photo: Ed Watkins, 2007.

4. Four Squared Sections, 1981.

Harvey Littleton. Soda-lime potash glass with barium, Kugler colors; multiple overlays, sawn, ground, polished.

Photo: Eva Heyd.

5. Orange High Neck Vase with Blue Outline,1993.

Dante Marioni. Blown glass.

Photo: Ed Watkins, 2008.

6. War Boy - Job No. 1, 2006.

Clifford Rainey. Glass, inert ammunition, iron wire, oxides, pins, maple plinth.

Photo: Lee Fatherree.

7. The Patron Saint of Circus Apes Day Parade, 2000.

Judith Schaechter. Stained glass, light box.

Photo: Ed Watkins, 2007.

8. Trust, 2008.

Ayala Serfaty. Glass filaments, polymer web, lighting components.

Photo: Albi Serfaty.

9. Breathing Glass, 2000.

Sandy Skoglund. Cibachrome photograph.

Photo: courtesy of the artist.

10. Grey Figures, 2000.

Nicholas Africano. Cast leaded glass, handpainted marble base.

Photo: David Behl, 2012.

11. Untitled No. 202 (Triptych), 2012.

Peter Bynum. Tempered glass (6 layers), acrylic paint, L.E.D. lights, steel bracket.

Photo: courtesy of the artist.

12. Untitled No. 202 (Triptych) 的细节。

13. Station (Imaginary Architecture), 2011.

El Ultimo Grito. Glass.

Photo: David Behl, 2012.

14. Tastes Like Applebees, 2007.

Matt Eskuche. Hot worked glass.

Photo: courtesy of the artist.

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